Sometimes I wonder where White folks would be , if there were no Black people on earth, to blame for the problems they, not too ironically , created themselves, to muck it up.Hate to use sports anology , but it's Super bowl week , so what the heck! Even sports much less politics , cannot escape the social malady,as two years into Jim Caldwell's tenure , and he is fired for the entire team's failure, even if other mitigating factors, were iqnored .
I however digress, as here is another typical, race mongrel ,placing blame where it is undeserved. Blabbering about a piece of symbolic paper, referred to as the Constitution, whose author Thomas Jefferson, felt that Afrikan slaves, were none people, and so, they , centuries later , needed a Constitutional Amendment, by more conscionable , or rather, pragmatic citizens, to finally come up to the level of their White counterparts . "All men are created equal ,with inalinable rights?' Ah yes, but lest we forgot , he daily raped , and impregnated, several of his female slaves , and lacked the audacity to even free them , upon leaving office.
Note carefully , that it is self serving creatures ,such as this artist ,who via their race bating propoganda, have caused the deaths of two mammoth leaders , from within the previously illustrious Presidential bunch. They were obviously viewed as traitors, were never forgiven for their humanist attempts, and so paid the ultimate price, yes?
President's, Abe Lincoln , and John F.Kennedy , where both shot ,for daring to throw a bone to Black folks,at very critical periods of the country's history.
The Great FDR Roosevelt , is seen today,as a National hero, and justifiably so, as his face has been immortalized on Mt Rushmore. In the run up to WW2 however,as Japan , and Germany nibbled on the heals of Americavia pending world wars , innocent , law abiding Japanese American citizens , in his estimation , did not fall under the ambits of the Constitution, as they were stripped of their rights , while locked in Midwest ,Concentration caves ,and their more previliged ,white German/ Euro- American ,fellow citizens , were viewed as loyal patriots,and so left to support the European homeland .
There was this General turned President , in Andrew Jackson , that today, is so honored, he is placed on a national currency.He however,got sadistic pleasures,in massaching innocent Indians across this great nation, all the while praising his phantom, white ,blue eyed ,sky god, in heaven.Today,we call such barbarisms today, genocide.I guess , the Red Man was not protected under the Constitution. Let the record show, that this was used as a template by Adolph Hitler to murder 6 million , equally innocent Jews citizens, and the rest we shall say is history.
One hundred years from now G.W Bush would be viewed by objective historians, as the worst President in the history of this great Republic , but the critics, in cluding this creature are silent,as to how both him and cronies, made this country into a convenient corporate comodity to sell to the highest bidder- moving it from a surplus to the worst recessionary state since the early 20th century recession. Someone got this country into two illegal , costly wars, then exit like an MBA bandit , all the while cuddling his Arab oil friends , and similar, fake religious simi facist friends. Some constitutionalist, yes?
It is not for me to defend this President,as he have his own loyalist to do such , but speaking about Imperial Presidency ,a la ,abuse of powers,it did not suddenly emerge three years ago, when he pounced on the scene ,as his country's first Black President's,but the precedent began, a long time ago.His supporters, might justifiably argue, that if for any reason he might be practicing some of their actions,it's just possible ,that these actions, are simply a survival mechanism.
I have often seen this beat down, blame game lamentations, and castigation for phantom ills , as practiced, repeatedly,against Afrikans, by a destructive, numerically dominant majority.They, like this author, developed selective amnesia ,while indulging in their historical revisionism, and how sad, as they do not only themselves an injustice, but likewise the rest of humanity.
America deserves a Commander in Chief,and or President ,that not only pay credence to a symbolic paper,call the Constitution, but will so whatever it takes to uphold noble, globally accepted Ideals, which can ensure World Peace, domestic and International Security, broad based Economic Justice, and Political Empowerment of all people's , irrespective of their respective race, color, class, gender, or geographical locations. I therefore echo the fine words of Ive leauge educated, Constitutional lawyer ,Black Liberational Theology Social activist , and President , Barrack Hussain Obama. "Don't Muck it up, "America!Your call.
Luv Humanity!