Aren't we convinced that the American people collectively , are like stupid sheep being led to a slaughter?Put differently , this country is dumbing down , and fast becoming a 3 rd world country , but not for the reasons you might suspect , or rather what is fed to us- namely a whole bunch of brown, red, yellow , and black foreigners, are taking over. Look at the evidence of this stupidity ,and understand how it evolved into the tragedy we have presently. Republican , Trickey Dick Nixon , was a criminal ,that was kicked out of office for nefarious activities. His successor Ford , pardoned him before the cleaners to his inaugural ball , took out the garbage.
They put in his place a Democratic , fake Christian Georgian peanut farmer , who allegedly sinned, but only in his heart, he in turn , indirectly ,gave the world Iran Islamist , due to his timidity, in standing up to a beaded Mullah named Khomeini, and a ten young hostage taker called Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
In addition , he gave the world Bin Laden, and the Taliban today , since also in 1979 ,the Soviets realizing who this bible thumping , timid guys was , invaded Afghanistan , and the rest is of course history, from Mujahadeen to 9/11- thank you very much Ron Paul, for reminding us ,about what 98 % of the public already knows , but will pretend not to ,due in great measure to some sort of distorted notion, of patriotism.
Mediocre , B class actor ,Ronald Reagan , was economically clueless , fast talking criminal ,so don't forget Iran Contra , gun for drugs fiasco. He became the new hero to replace one term Jimmy Carter , and we know how that fraud , based on the analysis of any sane economist alive and dead,help start the recession we see today , due to his deregulations, militaristic , over spending , cuddling of corporate bandits , and allowing Nancy Reagan his wife to formulate policies , via decisions they made collectively ,and help from his crazy woman Nancy, with their Ouija board directives.
Can you imaging what the uproar would be today, if Barrack Obama's , Harvard baby mamma, Michelle , did any such thing , including stealing dresses from the Hollywood closet. Ok , keeping gifts from Hollywood pals. Can you imagine what America would be like if Princeton princess Michelle , originally from the poor Chicago south side , was also a closet drunk , like Betty Ford? Would we not have WW111 , if Michelle was trying to run her husband Cabinet like Roslyn Carter,and Nancy, or worst yet would her husband ever see power if she had killed a young girl like much adored, Texan Librarian Laura Bush did as a crazy teen ager? Ah the disadvantage of not being a special Euro American princess, in the land of the free!However , I digress.
Talk about immoral opportunist ,with respect to Connecticut Yankee millionaire , turned Texan wannabe , G.H Bush . He nearly punched rival ,Reagan in the nose ,during a campaign , for giving us Voodoo , trickel down economics, and yet was a loyal soldier in his cabinet, and eventual successor. That Yale elite ,was as dumb as a doormat, and clueless about the economic, and yet the public voted for him , along with his equally dumb son G.W, who unfortunately ,gave them a recession, and propelled them into two idiotic wars , all with his fake Texan swagger,and encouraged ,by three of the most despicable human beings known to mankind, in Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Auntie Condi Rice, the Russian speaking ,piano playing, expert.
Bill Clinton was an immoral degenerate, and political user, who preyed on ugly little girls, old enough to be his daughter , all with the tactic knowledge of his wife, and yet they loved him, and wife ,Hillary Tammy Rodmon Wynette Clinton so much , that they wanted that fake feminist , White water, closet criminal, to be President.
Fast forward to 2011, and Barrack , the privileged son, of an Afrikan immigrant, and a, spirited , restless ,white Kansan woman , is finally in the White house, and he cannot get a break politically, even as he has done everything conceivable to please his Euro American masters, many of whom are of the view that the voting public made a humongous mistake, for voting him into office.
Take note, that the same media , who were silent when his predecessor , was destroying inherited economic surpluses, ignoring the needs of poor and desperate citizens during Katrina , hurricane ,natural disaster, and looked worst than an imbecile, standing before a Floridan class ,of kindergarten students, pretending to read a book on goats, while savage Islamist ,Arab terrorist , almost destroy this country, ten years ago to the date, are now screaming to the high heavens, about balanced budget, wasteful spending, and debt ceilings. This President today , has a worst approval rating folks , than G.W Bush ,and irony of ironies, no one is coming to his defense , even members of his own party, who naively think, that their interest can be better served by so doing. Can you believe this?
Don’t these people deserve what they get , when they repeatedly place idiots in power, then act surprise ,when they do not get the results they anticipated? Just maybe America is dumbing down , ain’t it?
Stay tuned , for more insights from yours truly- a pragmatic ,global humanist , and voice of reason,as the corporate ,imbedded voices, are fast asleep.