Looks like once more Western powers , led by who else, Pax Americana, are choosing to ignore the settled tea leaves , and so are jumping into bed with politically traumatized folks in across Islamic world , after bouncing their once cherished leader out of power. The trend started in earnest during the much revered Cold War , with the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, then decades later it was well , who ever Pakistan found palatable , in the Post Taliban period .
The script is still being written however, on that craziness, at the exorbitant cost to American Taxpayers in lives, at some $2 billions per week, with no win in sight , for the foreseeable future. That is, irrespective of what the military pundits, and their corporate bosses think, and or ,say to the contrary. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/18/afghanistan-war-cost_n_850293.html
I would leave out the political travesty in Iraq , as Nobel Peace head guru ,Uncle Obama , is putting the final pieces together to take that new stoned aged ,Babylonian country , into a future 51st state, of these United States, if only he can exit, maybe two weeks before his second term ends in 2016,without being blamed by every Republican yapper , for also loosing the Vietnam ,and Korean war, as well as wars on poverty, drugs, crime.What a sick joke !
Just imagine for a second if WW11 was fought with such inept leadership thinking, but more importantly ,no meaningful end game strategy.
How about Egypt? I guess having military elites run that country for another four decades is progress, and a testament of globalization of democracy.Sad, but neighboring Israel is happy , as a strong Arab ally means something , in that politically tumultuous region, where foes and friends can take on differing characteristics ,depending on who is looking.
So I was watching CNN yesterday , between snippets of an NFL preseason game between my son's favorite team Baltimore Ravens, and Washington Redskin, as well as the always exciting ,Little League World series , and there was this beautiful British accented African news anchor, as usual, parroting her empty , corporate media lines , about the seemingly successful beat down of another Arab , or is it African State, in resource laden Libya.
Amidst the triumphalism of NATO forces, led by USA , and France,for furthering the cause of democracy, by getting rid of a dictator, and planning ahead ,as to who would get the most of the economic spoils , after restoring order , unlike the American debacles in Iraq,they decided to reveal something of paramount importance.
No , it was not that alleged kidnapped , embedded journalist, were finally freed , by the African Arab barbarians , but that we should in ever so subtle ways , be happy about the good leadership of G.W. Bush , and his compassionate conservatism, as opposed to acknowledge the astute political stewardship of Uncle Obama for , doing what even Ronald Reagn could not do, in ending decades of military dictatorship reign by a misguided , megalomaniac .
'Gadaffi not only feared Condi Rice , G.W Bush handpick, first female Afrikan Secretary of State, but admired her , on how she stood up to Arab leaders.
There it is . How dare any one , including book pedaling , political bandit,Dick Cheney , say that Professor , 'Eye Candy Rice ,' was a clueless political coward, who served no useful purpose for all of mankind , during all her time in active politics?
We should continue to keep our fingers cross, and see how this entire situation plays out. Namely , will his book make more money that that of fellow criminal pals, Donald Rumfield, G. W Bush ,and his Dad G.H, their respective boss.
Ok Syria President Assad, we know that you and your , barbarian Arab fiefdom ,is far away from your North Afrikan cousin Murmar, but nevertheless , the following statement might still be applicable,and here it is for your edification:- "When your neighbor's house is on fire, burn yours......" or is it wet?
Better yet ,and it's your call , so pray, and fast during Ramadan -as you continue to repeatedly murder your innocent citizens ,for demanding freedom , and economic liberation- or , that your buddies in Iran, find a way to make the second nuclear bomb , before US close, non NPT signatory , nuclear state ,partner ,Israel, resort once more to doing the biddings of their Washington handlers ,by bombing their facility, as was done to yours , or is it the other way around? http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/08/201182281512952586.html
Just cannot figure out the political machinations of that volatile area. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article2461421.ece
Now you know why going nuclear technology remains so attractive folks , when no country in possession of nuclear weapons was ever attacked by another with one.
Sorry Gaddafi,it's now too late, and only a matter of time before you are dragged out of in Saddam like fox hole fashion, by rival tribes, tempted by lucrative bounties .
Ah yes, political de Javu, again.