"Every nation that has ended in tyranny has come to that end by way of good order. It certainly does not follow from this that peoples should scorn public peace, but neither should they be satisfied with that and nothing more. A nation that asks nothing of government but the maintenance of order is already a slave in the depths of its heart; it is a slave of its well-being, ready for the man who will put it in chains."
There are many today that are nostalgic over a distant past era , of the globally divisive ,Cold War,when two militaristic , out of control , competing, Super Powers, in the likes of USA , & USSR , played out their proxy wars, and foolish pretense of peaceful, Nuclear coexistence ,for the benefits of naive,often fearful , and mostly ,psychologically comatose , respective citizens ,too numb from misplaced ,patriotic zeal , to resist. Incidentally,such follies saw an estimated 22 million lives destroyed ,in some 291 conflicts ,across the globe - chiefly in poor, developing countries, caught up in ideological Capitalist vs Socialist ,propagandist , superlative ,mantras.
Unfortunately ,typical unnecessary Triumphalism, as played out by it’s sole winner USA, has led to obvious missteps,& squander of golden opportunities ,to move the world forward,via prudent manifestations of moral leadership.One need not be some lofty Social Scientist , to recognize that since that historic occasion last 1989, at that President G. H. Bush comically referred to as , "the end of History,", maybe twice that amount might have died via ethnic , racial , and tribalistic conflicts ,disguised sometimes as religious intolerance , and economic frustrations, but in reality , a final tail end fall out of four decades of ideological wars.
Fast forward to 2011,and unless one was living under a rock on Jupiter, over the past 6 months or more , we would be bombarded by a barrage of sometimes organize , but more often, disjointed hodgepodge of pro Islamic turmoils, by various underrepresented , abused , and neglected peoples,across several Middle Eastern , and North African States, as many make their paltry attempts, at some semblance of political , and social change ,that can be likened to what we often playfully refer to as Democracy.
I am curious as to whether you have the confidence that present leadership, led by Uncle Barrack . Hussein Obama, can get it right, unlike his many previous counterparts starting , let say with "Richard , I am not a crook Nixon ," all the way to G.W , your country’s first , and hopefully last ,Harvard MBA , Compassionate Conservative President ,that left you in the worst economic state of affairs ,since the Great Depression?
Uncle O , did after all , run on a platform of “change , we can believe in.” Now since he is only one individual , and might be simply rowing along a piranha infested ,rapidly raging creek ,in a porous canoe , with a broken paddle, what role can both you ,and I play, to ensure that our diverse interest are achieved, and not only the 1% or less elites that dominate the political and economic landscape for too long?
You know the selfish creatures that benefited from the that fast talking ,Gipper ,California Cowboy, Voodoo , trickle down economics, corporate gains, and tax breaks for the rich , that took jobs overseas , and hold large overseas bank accounts they can check out occasionally ,with their private jets.
Yes, I am talking about those who benefited from continued G.W Bush taxs breaks , that were extended by Uncle O , or got the exorbitant bail outs while most of you wallowed on the precipice of jobless,suicidal despair , still unable to pay your mortgage, or the braces for your indulgent kids. But I digress.
Speaking of the Middle East , Peaceful co existence, and prudent International relations during the Cold War, and it’s long term implications today , as played out in one of the major countries Egypt. It was former diplomat, Canadian PM ,and 1957 Nobel Peace Prize winner ,Lester B. Pearson, who said the following: “We must keep on trying to solve problems, one by one, stage by stage, if not on the basis of confidence and cooperation, at least on that of mutual toleration and self-interest.” Many credit him , as being the father of modern UN Peacekeeping , as he help defuse a one time Suez crisis, by encouraging , competing powers, to rally together in support of their vested interest ,re the natural resources surrounding the Suez Canal.
Maybe soon , a coherent a,nd more coordinated policy of support ,would be put into place , by one , or all leaders of influence , to aid and assist the struggling people of the Middle East , and pro Arab North Africa, who are also clamoring for the same socio - economic , com political justice, that white European brothers and sisters across Eastern Europe and the former USSR ,yearned for , and obtained during the waning days of the much dreaded ,Cold War, when the Soviet Union , as once constituted, became no more.
Let me steal a phrase from neo Capitalist head guru , Adam Smith,and it’s called "Enlightened Self Interest," as I fervently believe that same is quite applicable presently. Our interests ,are inextricably tied up in the success of each other , yes?
I stand corrected.