It’s been a good day ,fine week , excellent start of the New Year , even would all the numerous problems we as individuals are confronted with on a daily basis , yes?What do you know the winds of changes are moving along quite smoothly like a raging, or more appropriately, an incipient bush fire , be it from from North African Tunisia ,to sometimes African Egypt, and beyond. This scenario means that dictators , along with their wink/ wink economic ,com political enablers, are huddling in fear and uncertainty , as norm like business as usual is about to end. With each passing day it is becoming more and more evident that one can never really underestimate the powers of committed , organized masses of people , especially when they so happen to be led by a growing conscious ,Middle Class , willing to look beyond narrow self interest . These can range form disgruntled Right wing Neo Conservative ,Tea Party members to ..... well you can fill in the blanks ,where appropriate.
On the 24th January last , I so happened to celebrate another born day, but for the record , won’t bore you too much as to the exact figure, unless you insist, that is. There are many who look at yours truly , and shake their heads in consternation, while sometimes asking aloud , what exactly is he all about ? Every day I am confronted with the questions , direct, and otherwise ,by folks of all stripes . Some of these including a few of what I affectionately refer to as one time ,fellow obsessed ‘credentialists , and others simply trying to decide whether future personal education investments ,are truly worth it , as claimed ,when unemployment figures are skyrocketing , not only here in these United States, aka , ‘the greatest nation on earth ,’ but also globally.
Well , let’s say I am now more than ready ,to finally the take the next step to becoming a strong social advocate, and Political Civil Rights Activist ,on behalf of economic ,and political justice for downtrodden, and historically neglected folks, many of whom remained victimized because of their race , class ,ethnic background, gender ,age , or geographical origin. I know , the task would be challenging,and hence the reasons why many have shied away , and instead look inwards , while awaiting miracles , as well as others they feel more capable to jump into the fray .I however , feels energized and excited .
Is there any better feeling than that of seeing a new solidarity movement movement evolve, and blossom , that can help build the bridge to the future, across the Global North /South Divide , where many fellow humans , rich and poor alike ,just like us in our respective ways ,are grappling with serious social maladies , yet unsure how to confront them , since they are unaware as to causes. Fortunately , I have numerous others before, that ventured down this part , and made a difference. Let’s make that concerted effort fellow progressive , and yes, pragmatic humanist , to stand up , speak the truth always , halt revisionism , and keep self serving elites at bay , as this remains a first step to peaceful coexistence amongst peoples,as well as full security , economic viability , and political empowerment for all , far and wide.
Promise me that you too would always support ,and or encourage ,’respect for the other,’ as this would definitely contribute to many of the noble ideals that founding members of the much maligned United Nations aspired , but perhaps never fully achieved for diverse, well known , but often conveniently ignored reasons. It’s a beautiful day , and wonderful world , but most importantly ,one cannot help but feel great to be a part of it . Make a difference,and never hesitate to use your influence in whatever public manner , for the common good !
Stay tuned, as the urgency for organizing now, towards a glorious end, is ever so critical. Or children ,and planet as a whole demands it.